Mfangano Island Camp

May at Mfangano Island Camp 2017

The season has begun in earnest and we are delighted to be welcoming guests back to the island. The rainy season is coming to a close, the grounds are looking lush and the lake is returning to its beautiful blue state of laziness.

We have done some major renovations on our rooms and our permaculture garden is coming on leaps and bounds with some great harvests which supplement both guest and staff meals.

permacutlure on mfangano island

We have teamed up with some local honey harvesters to set up some bee hives here, so lots of raw honey coming soon we hope!

The shop has been revamped with some great local products on sale and our chef Tom has been making delicious organic chilli sauces and pickles which were all grown on site and available in the shop as well as complementing your meals here. Teddy and Gideon our barman and head waiter have updated our drinks menu so you can look forward to delicious new cocktails….A tequila sunrise and a Mfangano sunset is not a bad way to spend your evening!

The permaculture ideals have spread through the staff, many of whom are beginning to practice more sustainable approaches to agriculture and are seeing an improved yield. The Kakrigu primary school which we support has also transformed a once desolate space into a productive garden. They struggled somewhat during the dry season as they are not close to the lake and their water collection and irrigation is not adequate, this is something we will be focusing on in the coming weeks.

During the offseason and with the much appreciated donations from guest we were able to build a well ventilated kitchen for the school which we are now in the process of extending. Another big area we will be focusing on is hygiene, litter and planting trees.

We are also in the early stages of a Tilapia fish farming project where every month we hope to harvest a portion of fish and release the majority back into the lake where we have instituted a no netting policy in front of the camp.


All in all lots of exciting times ahead and we look forward to seeing you here!



Mfangano Island Camp

Permaculture at Mfangano Island Camp

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